My home made Browning M1919A4 30 CAL machine gun
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This page is to give you some pictures and details of my 30CAL

 The 30 CAL Browning M1919A4 was used extensively throughout WWII by the US army and remained in use for many years afterwards throughout the Vietnam War etc.

It was also sold and used all around the world by many armed forces due to its great reliability.

The 30 CAL on this page is made from steel plate.

Much of the metal in the receiver is 3mm thick so if you want to make one you have to be prepared to do some work with a hacksaw!

Browning on tripod

The tripod is not exactly the same as an original but good enough to show the gun on if you don't have a vehicle to mount it on.


Click on the picture to go to GOOGLE VIDEO for my plans.

How to Build an M1919A4 Browning 0.30 CAL


Inside the 30 CAL

Here you can see parts of the blank fire mechanism I have made for the gun.

It only takes 38 blanks one at a time and the discharge is through a side vented 3mm hole inside the barrel jacket.

Click on the picture to see Knob Creek video!

The Thompson M1A1 below is also made of blued steel.

I managed to purchase the original wood furniture for £30 and the mag for £8.



The 45 CAL bullets don't actually chamber, the bolt is designed to pass over the top.

This is me in my jeep with some of the guys at close action airsoft, click on the picture to go to their site.